Seed Library

Welcome to Canby Public Library's Seed Library!

Free seeds for all!



At the Canby Seed Library, our mission is to encourage our community to experience the joys of gardening by providing free access to open-pollinated and locally adapted seeds, in addition to educational programs on organic and sustainable gardening and seed saving.

We hope to foster a culture of connection, resilience, and self-reliance through sharing seeds and growing community.


Some seeds shared by this Seed Library were grown by community members with love and care like our ancestors have done for thousands of years. Please know they may not meet state germination or labeling standards.

We do not knowingly accept or share any seeds that are chemically treated, patented, or genetically modified. 

The Canby Seed Library cannot guarantee the germination rates or purity of the seeds provided. Seed saving and gardening carry an element of chance. If you should check out a seed that doesn’t come true, please let us know by sending an email to the library!

How do I borrow seeds?

  • Locate a seed type you would like to try. Remove a small number of seeds from the packet over the tray to prevent spillage.
  • Place your seeds in one of the provided envelopes and label it with the plant name, variety, and any information you’d like to copy from the seed packet.
  • Do this for each seed type you’d like to try, using a separate packet for each. You can “borrow” up to 5 different seed types per day. Please take only the amount of seed you need! We have a limited budget and quantities and want to make sure everyone has access.
  • Take the packets to the Public Services Desk. The seeds you borrow will not appear on your account or be due back.


Online and local resources

Local Resources

Canby Herald Article: Free seeds: Seed bank a new feature at Canby Library

OSU Master Gardeners: Gardening Resources

The Canby Center: Harvest Donations and Food Assistance


Helpful Gardening Calendars and Guides

Siskiyou Seeds Planting Guide:

Adaptive Seeds Growing Resources:

OSU Monthly Garden Calendar:


Seed Saving Resources

OSU Extension Seed Saving Guide:

Seed Savers Exchange:

The Seed Ambassadors:


Donors and Supporters

A huge thank you to the Friends of the Canby Public Library for their generous donation that made the Seed Library possible. Our gratitude to Kay Everts for her passion, guidance, and inspiration, and to the Seeds for Sharing library for their generous donation of seeds.



Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

table top with repurposed card catalog as seed library
image how to use seed library instructions
image cucumbers text got too many veggies 24/7 fresh food drop-off at the canby center
image vegetables and person opening donation refrigerator door