Interlibrary & Interagency Cooperation
Items not owned by libraries in the LINCC network can be requested from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan. The lending library will decide whether to honor requests and/or charge for the item. The exact time for receiving items cannot be guaranteed. In accordance with the LINCC Interlibrary Loan Agreement, the library is prohibited from loaning materials published in the current year or previous calendar year.
The Canby Public Library (CPL) enhances its borrowing and lending capabilities through membership in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) network, an automated system that connects the library to over 5,000 libraries in the United States and other countries. CPL relies on resource-sharing as an extension of the collection. CPL will ask to borrow materials for patrons upon request and, when possible, share its collection with any other library upon their request.
To request an item through Interlibrary Loan (ILL), library staff must complete the ILL slip and confirm the patron’s contact information. A maximum of 40 holds are allowed on a General library card. ILL items are included in this amount. The total limit of all ILLs at Canby Public Library is 10. This includes checked out ILLs, requested ILLs, or ILLs on hold. Patrons who wish to renew ILLs must contact library Network. CPL staff may not renew any ILLs for patrons in WorkFLows. Restrictions on ILLs are:
- LINCC-owned items cannot be requested, unless it is a Reference material.
- Exceptions are items in storage or discarded, or if the patron wants a different format not owned by LINCC.
- The patron's fines cannot exceed $15.
- ILL requests may only be made from a patron’s home library.
- eBooks/eAudiobooks cannot be requested. Permitted materials are physical books, audiobooks, DVDs/Blu-Rays.
- The item cannot have been published in the current year, or the year prior. Availability of older DVDs or TV series is based on when the DVD was released, not the original air date.
- There are no date restrictions for nonfiction books.
- Check-out periods are determined by the owning library. Staff cannot guarantee the check-out date will be the same as LINCC items.
- Passport and EDU card holders are not eligible for ILLs.
- ILL requests may not be picked up at another LINCC library. If a patron wants to pick-up an ILL at another location, they should request the ILL at that library.
- Patrons may encounter fees for an item if no free lender exists. The library will contact the patron to see if they are willing to pay the fee before the final request to the lending library is made.
Lost ILL Items:
- When an ILL goes to lost on a patron's account, an invoice is requested from the owning library.
- Patrons are given a 7-day grace period to return the material. If the material is returned, the lost charge will be taken off their account.
- If the item is not returned, the patron is responsible for the lost charge.
- Library Network will not request a refund for lost ILL items that are returned by patrons after the invoice has been processed.
- Staff may use their discretion to override the block to check-out or renew other items.
As a member of the LINCC Network, the Canby Public Library is responsible for printing the holds pickup report at least once each day the library is open for business. The library is also responsible for checking and resolving all items on the pickup list within one business day of printing the list. Other lists to be completed daily may include but are not limited to: “clean hold shelf," “staff canceled holds," and “change pickup location."
Patrons may return library materials at any LINCC library. It is the responsibility of each library to inspect materials for obvious damage or missing parts. If library material is found damaged or incomplete, it will remain checked out to the patron and sent directly to the owning library with the patron information and a description of the problem.
Courier service is provided through the intergovernmental agreement formed among the LINCC libraries. Courier delivery to each library shall occur daily and on a regular schedule. Exceptions may be made due to inclement weather and other unforeseen circumstances. It is the responsibility of the library to check-in all items received, and prepare outgoing materials, before the courier arrives the next business day.