(CANCELED) BANNED Community Creative Workshop
Calling Canby community members of all backgrounds and opinions! Join us at the library on 3/15 from 10am-1pm for a healthy conversation around banning books and censorship with the Hand2Mouth Theatre group. Each stand-alone workshop leads all participants through Hand2Mouth’s process that fuses community-building theater, interviews, storytelling techniques, creativity and fun! Participants in the workshop will be free to add, partake, and share as much, or as little as they wish.
The stories, texts, writing and conversations discovered in the workshops will be incorporated during the professional devising creation of a new theatre work, BANNED produced and created by Hand2Mouth. The new theatre performance will play in SE Portland May 24-June 8 and participants will be welcomed on opening night!
Please register for the 3/15 workshop date here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfWnMUrw6tRGx_ZNWs43fZ6G823wJjn...