Library Cards
Essential to the mission of the library is the active promotion of library services, collections, community outreach and partnerships. All persons are welcome to use the library and library materials on the premises during operating hours. The privilege of borrowing materials requires an eligible library card.
In order to receive a Libraries In Clackamas County (LINCC) library card, patrons must complete a Canby Public Library application form. The library card is free and available to all Clackamas County residents except those residing in Johnson City. (Johnson City is not a part of the LINCC network and does not participate in the MIX agreement.) Minimum age requirements vary by library; at CPL, we ask that the applicant be able to write their name or otherwise demonstrate sufficient maturity. The library will record required information from the library card application in the Library District’s database under “Patron Record.”
Residents of some neighboring counties may also receive a LINCC library card without a fee through the Metropolitan Interlibrary Exchange (MIX) agreement. Residents who live in Oregon in Multnomah County, Washington County, Hood River County or those who reside in the Fort Vancouver Regional Library District or the City of Camas, Washington, may obtain a LINCC library card without paying a non-resident fee.
At age 18, a card applicant is considered an adult for purposes of ID requirements. Adult applicants must be able to provide proof of identity and proof of residence in order to obtain a LINCC library card.
Although a picture ID is strongly encouraged, proof of identity may be presented using the following:
- Valid driver’s license (including Interim or Provisional License) or Department of Motor Vehicles State ID card
- Valid passport
- An official government ID
- A valid state birth certificate or marriage certificate
- Valid student body card with photo
- Social Security card
- Valid fishing or hunting license
Proof of residence may be verified by any of the following:
- Valid driver’s license or Department of Motor Vehicles State ID card
- Property tax statement
- Rent receipt within the last 6 months
- Personal check with name and address imprinted
- Valid signed voter’s registration card
- Business mail dated within 30 days
- Valid fishing or hunting license
- Valid vehicle registration
The Canby Public Library encourages everyone to get a library card. A parent or legal guardian is required to co-sign in order for children 13 and under to obtain a library card. A valid photo ID is required by the parent or legal guardian at the time of sign up. The parent, or legal guardian, is responsible for fines and other charges accrued on their child’s card. This includes replacement costs and billing charges for lost materials. A parent or legal guardian in possession of a minor child’s physical library card is permitted all services regarding the card. This includes picking up materials on hold, checking out materials, payment of charges, and full disclosure of materials checked out on the card.
Patrons ages 14 – 17, if they have their own photo ID, may obtain a library card without a parent signature on their application.
Non-resident cards are issued to those who do not qualify for resident cards. The out-of-county rates for non-resident cards are set by the Libraries in Clackamas County consortium and approved by the Canby City Council in the Master Fee Schedule. Cards must be paid in advance and proof of current address is required. The current charge for a non-resident card is $95.00 a year. Non-resident cards expire 365 days from the date of payment. Patrons can pay for an additional year before their card expires. The new expiration date for that card is one year after the previous date (Not one year after payment).
Library cards do not expire. However, the library will delete cards from the library database that have been inactive for three consecutive years (1095 days), and which have no checkouts or holds. The library will delete inactive cards owing less than $1000.00 after three years and 30 days of inactivity. Users with a status of “Barred” will remain in the system.
Patrons must present a valid library card to conduct circulation transactions, or to receive information about a patron’s circulation records. Discretionary exceptions may be made for the occasional forgotten library card if the patron offers valid identification. Patrons conducting business by phone must provide the library card barcode number or other information that confirms their identity.
The patron, or their parent/guardian, is responsible for reporting a lost or stolen card. If the card is not reported as lost or stolen, the patron is responsible for the items checked out on the card.
The library may issue a library card to temporary residents, e.g., visitors, college students, persons experiencing homelessness, business travelers. Temporary cards may also be issued if the patron does not have proof of address. Temporary cards can be used at all LINCC libraries and are valid for 1 year. Temp card holders can place up to 5 items on hold, check out up to 5 items and have access to digital materials. Temp cards cannot place ILL’s or check out Library of Things items. Temporary cards can be renewed if the patron remains in good standing.
The library may issue a Computer-Only card to minors without a parent’s signature, and to people who live out of our service area, at no charge. These cards do not allow any checkouts or holds but do grant database access. (The COMP-ONLY card policy may differ from library to library, but the card itself is valid throughout LINCC.) Patrons must fill out an application; however, photo ID and proof of address are not required for a computer-only card.
Educator cards may be issued to a teacher working in childcare, kindergarten through twelfth grade (K-12), homeschool education, or after school programs (including but not limited to YMCA, Camp Fire USA, and Boys and Girls Club programs). To qualify for an educator card the person must apply in person and bring a valid photo identification and one of the following for proof of current educator status:
- School or childcare identification
- School or childcare pay stub
- Letter on school or childcare letterhead from the school administrator or childcare director
- Letter of acknowledgement of homeschooling from the local Education Service District (ESD)
- Oregon State Child Care Division certification
The following criteria are required for an educator card:
- A teacher responsible for planning and providing educational activities for youth.
- Volunteers and classified staff members such as office, cafeteria, janitorial, instructional assistants, etc. are not eligible.
- Live in Clackamas County or teach at a school located in LINCC’s service area.
- Their personal LINCC library card must be in good standing ($25 or less in fines).
- Cards may be renewed starting July 1 for the upcoming school year with a photo ID and current proof of educator status.
Educator card purpose and benefits:
- The card is separate card from their personal library card or the school’s card (maximum 1 educator card per person)
- Allows up to 80 checkouts at a time
- Allows items to be checked out for 6 weeks
- Allows 1 renewal per item
- Allows up to 40 holds at a time
- No overdue fines
Educator Card Restrictions:
- Borrowed materials are to be used with educating young children and K-12.
- Account balance must be $0 in order to renew the card for the next school year.
- Cards cannot be used to provide group access to e-books, digital audiobooks, or LINCC subscription databases; check out Lucky Day items or cultural passes; or request items via Interlibrary Loan (ILL). If you need a Lucky Day or ILL item for your classroom, you may check it out on your regular library card.
- The educator is responsible for lost or damage charges. Payment for any lost or damaged items follows the standard circulation policy. Accounts will be blocked if lost/damaged fines exceed $25.
- Items should be renewed or returned by the due date.
- Cards will expire annually on June 30 regardless of when registered. No exceptions.
- Abuse of educator card privileges, such as consistently turning in items after the due date or using this card to check out items for personal use, may result in the loss of your educator card at all LINCC libraries.
The library issues cards to homebound patrons. Homebound patrons do not accrue fines and may checkout items for 6 weeks.
Homebound patrons should meet the following criteria.
- The help of another person or medical equipment such as crutches, a walker or a wheelchair is needed to leave your home or your doctor believes that your health or illness could get worse if you leave your home.
- It is difficult to leave your home and you typically cannot do so.
How materials are received:
- An authorized contact person may pick the items up at the library with the homebound patron’s library card.
- An approved library volunteer may deliver them to the patron’s home or facility.