Heritage and Landmarks Commission

Commission Information

The Heritage and Landmarks Commission meets the 1st Monday of each month at 5:30pm in the City Council Chambers.  Meetings are open to the public.  You may join in person or via zoom.

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Or join by Phone 1-253-215-8782

Meeting ID: 822 2304 6313

Passcode: 902132

  • Establishing OrdinanceMunicipal Code 16.110.025 Updated by Ordinance 1469 in 2018

  • Type of Appointment: By City Council
  • Number of Members: 7 members plus one non-voting high school student (residing within the Canby School District Boundary). A Majority of the Commission must reside or work inside the Urban Growth Boundary.
  • Term Length: 3 years; July 1 to June 30

Duties and powers:

It is the responsibility of the Heritage and Landmarks Commission is to ensure that the purposes of this section are implemented, and to perform the following duties (Ord. 1469, 2018):

  1. Adopt rules to govern its deliberations and decisions, including a method to record its proceedings.
  2. Carry out the duties described for it in this ordinance and assist the Planning Director, Planning Commission and City Council on historic preservation matters (Ord. 1469,2018).
  3. Maintain and update an inventory of historic resources within the city, as provided under section 16.110.035.
  4. Review and render decisions on all historic landmark and historic district applications, as provided under section 16.110.045.
  5. Review and make recommendations on application of the Historical Protection Overlay Zone, as provided under section 16.110.045.
  6. Review and render decisions on proposals to alter the exterior of a Historic Landmark subject to the procedures and criteria set forth in section 16.110.080.
  7. Review and render decisions on all proposed new construction on property where a Historic Landmark is located, or within a Historic District, subject to the procedures and criteria set forth in section 16.110.080.
  8. Review all requests for demolition of a historic landmark or contributing resource, as provided under section 16.110.075.
  9. Review and make recommendations to the Planning Commission on all Conditional Use applications under section 16.38.
  10. Review and make recommendations on all partitions and subdivisions of designated properties, as provided under section 16.110.085.
  11. Disseminate information to educate the public as to local, state and federal laws protecting antiquities and historic places.
  12. Act as consultant for local preservation groups, educational workshops, signage and monumentation projects, and other similar projects.
  13. Advise interest groups, agencies, boards, commissions, and citizens on matters relating to historic preservation within the city.
  14. Provide design guidance for historic property owners. (Ord. 905, 1994; Ord. 1061, 2000)

Minutes & Agendas

For additional minutes and other documents please visit the City of Canby Electronic Records Management System Page

For more information on what the board does and board requirements visit Chapter 16.110 of Canby's Municipal Code