RFP: Reconnaissance Level Survey of downtown Canby

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Wednesday, December 6, 2023 - 4:00pm

Notice is hereby given that the City of Canby will receive proposals until 4:00p.m. December 6, 2023, addressed to the attention of Tyler Nizer, City of Canby, 222 NE 2nd Avenue, Canby, OR 97013 for the following:


The proposed work consists generally of the following:  The City of Canby, a Certified Local Government, is accepting proposals from interested consultants for the purpose of completing a Reconnaissance Level Survey (RLS) of historic resources within identified area of the city.

In 2009, a historic inventory survey was completed in the downtown historic core of Canby. The RLS that is the subject of this RFP will be focused on the downtown core which the City surveyed in 2009. Over the last 14 years, downtown Canby has seen growth and development which has changed the physical makeup of the buildings that were previously surveyed. Following the completion of the RLS, the consultant will provide recommendations for potential updates to the City of Canby’s Local Register of Historic Resources, and to position downtown Canby for a potential Historic District designation based on the findings of the RLS.

Scope of Work – Reconnaissance Level Survey (RLS)

Specific work tasks and deliverables shall include the following:

  1. The preparation of a complete project database using an extraction of SHPO’s Oregon Historic Sites Database. This Reconnaissance Level Survey (RLS) shall include properties within the study area, as identified and finalized by City of Canby staff and the consultant. The survey work must be conducted in accordance with SHPO’s “Reconnaissance Level Survey Standard Operating Procedures” (current version). The survey work must also be conducted in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Historic Preservation and Archaeology (Federal Register, Vol. 48, No. 190, Sept. 1983).
  2. A final memorandum or report following SHPO's survey guidelines to supplement the survey products and guide future preservation and planning work in Canby. The report should include recommendations for potential updates to the Canby Local Register of Historic Resources, based on the findings of the RLS.
  3. The preparation of Geographic Information System (GIS) layers and mapping for the survey area with the inclusion of property owner information.
  4. Updates with staff and/or the Heritage and Landmarks Commission throughout the survey process, as well as a final presentation on the results of the RLS at a Heritage and Landmarks Commission meeting.

Total Budget for this Project $7,000.00

It is imperative that these services are consistent and compatible with the standards and regulations of the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). This project is supported in part with grant funding from the SHPO and National Park Service (NPS).

Proposal format and other related information is available at the City of Canby, Civic Services Bldg., 222 NE 2nd Avenue, Canby, Oregon 97013 or at https://www.canbyoregon.gov/RFPs.

The Proposal shall be submitted to City Hall sealed to Tyler Nizer no later than 4:00 p.m. PST, December 6, 2023, addressed to the attention of Tyler Nizer, Economic Development.  The outside of the envelope shall plainly identify the “RFP for Reconnaissance Level Survey” along with the name and address of the Proposer. Faxed or electronic (e-mail) responses will not be accepted. Responses received after the designated closing date and time will not be opened or reviewed.