Participate in a Meeting

Public comment is welcome on a specific item on the agenda and under the citizen input and community announcements section of the agenda.

Here's how you can participate: 

  • Complete a yellow citizen comment card. Comment cards are located at the rear of the council chambers room by the sign-in sheet. Give your comment card to the City Recorder prior to the meeting. Please note on the card which item you want to address and print the request information clearly. The Mayor or Chair calls your name, proceed to the speaker table and speak into the microphone. Begin speaking by stating your name and the City in which you reside into the record. 
  • Each speaker is given three minutes to speak. 
  • The timer at the dais will count down your allotted time to speak.

 Citizen Input & Community Announcements

These or care sections of the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meetings that provide an opportunity for citizens to speak and address the Council and Agency on matters not related to the agenda. 

Items on the Agenda

Citizens may speak on specific issues being heard by the city council and agency. When the Mayor or Chair address an agenda item and asks if anyone wishes to be heard, you may speak either in favor, in opposition, or provide neutral comments. Remember to speak only on the subject being discussed. 

Proceed to the Speaker Table

The Mayor and Chair will use the citizen comment cards to call people to the speaker's table. 

What do I say? 

First state your name and the city where you reside. Then express your view or offer suggestions in a courteous and considerate manner. As a rule, the City Council and agency does not carry on a dialogue with the speaker, but the Mayor or Chair may assign the City Administrator to review and respond to the comments. If necessary, the Mayor or Chair may ask the appropriate staff person to respond at the meeting, but keep in mind this is not a forum for public debate. 

When addressing the city council or agency, it is common to address them by title as Mayor, Chair, Councilor or Commissioner. Remember to direct all remarks and questions to the city council and agency through the Mayor or Chair. It is not appropriate to address the audience of the staff directly. 

It is recommended that resolution of complaints be addressed through the appropriate City department and the City Administrator before the matter is brought to the City Council or Agency. 

Special Note

The City Council and Agency request  all persons in attendance at meetings to avoid conduct that is unreasonably loud, disruptive or profane. Rude, slanderous or threatening remarks will not be permitted. Whistles, yelling, foot stomping, clapping or speaking out of order are also discouraged. Anyone doing so may be removed from the Council Chambers. Please place cell phones on silent.