Hot Weather & Cooling Center Information
The City of Canby has coordinated with Canby Fire District and Clackamas County to make cooling centers available to those in need in the community. Cooling centers are available free of charge, during normal hours of operation, and are a great option to beat the heat.
Canby area cooling centers include:
- Canby Adult Center: 8:30am – 4:30pm | 1250 South Ivy Street
- Canby Public Library: Monday – Thursday 10am – 6pm ; Friday – Saturday 10am – 4pm | 220 NE 2nd Avenue
- Zoar Lutheran Church: Open 8/11-8/13; 12:00p until temperatures drop below 85° | 190 SW 3rd Avenue
- Denny’s Restaurant: Open 24/7, no obligation to purchase | 1369 SE 1st Avenue
For more information, please visit:
- Clackamas County (Updated 8/10/2021)
- National Weather Service
- Canby Fire District
Hot Weather Tips
- Never leave pets or children alone in a vehicle—temperatures inside can reach dangerous levels in just a few minutes. If you see a child or pet in a hot car that appears lethargic, unable to move or sick, it could be a medical emergency. Call 911 right away.
- Keeping your blinds or curtains closed can reduce the amount of heat passing through your home by as much as 45 percent.
- Keep all windows and doors shut until the temperature outside begins to cool.
- Ventilate at night, by pointing the fan blades outside to suck warm air out of your home.
- Create a makeshift air conditioner, visit this link to learn how to make an at-home air conditioner unit for $8.
- Make a cold compress using a cotton sock filled with rice, tied with twine and frozen for two hours before bedtime. Place between your sheets to keep your bed cool.
- Wear loose, lightweight and light-colored clothing.
- Keep an eye out for heat illness. There are three types of heat illness:
- Heat Cramps: painful spasms usually in the muscles of legs and abdomen. Heavy sweating. First Aid: Firm pressure on cramping muscles, or gentle massage to relieve spasm. Give sips of water or a sports drink. If nausea occurs, discontinue use.
- Heat Exhaustion: Heavy sweating, weakness, cold skin, pale and clammy. Fast, weak pulse. Normal temperature possible. Fainting and vomiting. First Aid: Get victim out of sun. Lay down and loosen clothing. Apply cool, wet cloths. Fan or move victim to air an conditioned room. Give sips of water or a sports drink. If nausea occurs, discontinue use. If vomiting continues, seek immediate medical attention.
- Heat Stroke (or sunstroke): High body temperature (106° F. or higher). Hot, dry skin. Rapid and strong pulse. Possible unconsciousness. First Aid: HEAT STROKE IS A SEVERE MEDICAL EMERGENCY. CALL 911 OR GET THE VICTIM TO A HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY.