Swim Center Levy Renewed
The Canby Swim Center levy has been renewed by Canby residents until 2027, according to unofficial results. The levy supports the programs and services offered to the community including swim lessons, adult and senior swim, water exercise, and more. The levy renewal continues at the rate of $0.49 per $1,000 of assessed value.
Canby Swim Center Aquatics Program Manager Eric Laitinen thanked the residents of Canby, “We are so grateful to Canby for voting to renew this levy. The Swim Center takes pride in offering services to the community and without them, this wouldn’t be possible.” The Swim Center levy will be in effect from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2027, which runs concurrently with the City’s fiscal cycle. The Clackamas County Elections department will officially confirm the results of the levy in the coming weeks. “The levy allows us to continue to offer year-round programs at the Canby Swim Center,” Laitinen continued. “Some people aren’t aware of all of our offerings and this extension allows us to continue those programs and further our outreach to the Canby community.”
The Canby Swim Center updates its hours and offerings quarterly. The winter 2021-22 schedule will go into effect on Monday, November 15th. The winter 2021-22 schedule, available in English and Spanish, can be found: https://www.canbyoregon.gov/swim/page/class-and-lesson-schedules
Canby Swim Center’s hours of operation are Monday - Friday: 5:00a - 8:30p, Saturday: 8:00a - 4:00p, Sunday: Closed.
For more information, please visit https://www.canbyoregon.gov/swim or call the Canby Swim Center at 503-266-2761.