Clackamas County Dial-A-Ride

Map of Boundary for Agreement with Clackamas County

Clackamas County Dial-A-Ride Services: 

In July 2024, Clackamas County and Canby Area Transit reached an agreement to provide Dial-A-Ride transportation for residents who reside in a defined service area surrouding Canby's Urban Growth Boundary.  (Map redline defines this new service area. Canby UGB is defined in black). This agreement is active through June 30th, 2025. 

Residents who live within this defined service area need to meet the following requirements: 

  • Aged 65 years or older 
  • Any person with a disability covered under the ADA 
  • Successful completion of the Paratransit (ADA) or General Public application (click here

For residents of Clackamas County who reside outside of this new service area, contact Transportation Reaching People program to see if you qualify for their service. 

Any questions please contact our office at 503-266-4022 and ask for the Transit Operations Manager


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Clackamas County Dial-A-Ride Flier for Agreement with Clackamas County
Folleto de Dial-A-Ride del condado de Clackamas para un acuerdo con el condado de Clackamas