RFQ for Transit Operations Facility Architectural & Construction Engineering Services

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Friday, July 7, 2023 - 5:00pm
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 
Canby Area Transit Operations Facility

City of Canby Transit Operations Facility  |  CITY OF CANBY, OREGON

The proposed work consists generally of the following (for full details and Q&A, please see files at bottom of page):

The City of Canby (City), Oregon, is requesting proposals from a qualified firm that can demonstrate competency and experience in providing architectural design, construction engineering, and related design services. The objective is for the City to contract with a firm that can offer engineering and design services at the highest quality and best value to the City, for construction of a Transit Operations Facility.

This request for qualifications shall be used to compile a list of interested and qualified firms who will be ranked in accordance with procedures as outlined in this document. Qualified firm(s) selected will negotiate compensation requirements upon completion of the qualifications-based selection of candidates. Do not include any price or cost considerations with this Statement of Qualifications (SOQ).

Project Details, Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) submittal requirements, and other related information is available at the City of Canby’s website: https://www.canbyoregon.gov/RFPs.htm.

The City may reject any proposal not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements and may reject for good cause any or all proposals upon determination by the City that it is in the public interest to do so. Proposers are required to certify non-discrimination in employment practices and identify resident status as defined in ORS 279A.120. All proposers are required to comply with the provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes.

Statements of qualifications shall be submitted in sealed envelopes and received at the Canby Area Transit office, no later than 5:00 p.m. PST, July 7, 2023 addressed to the attention of Todd M. Wood, Transit Director, City of Canby, 195 S Hazel Dell Way, Canby, OR 97013. The outside of the envelope shall plainly identify the “TRANSIT OPERATIONS FACILITY ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES” along with the name and address of the Proposer. Faxed or electronic (e-mail) responses will not be accepted. Responses received after the designated closing date and time will not be opened or reviewed.