Canby Housing and Economic Opportunity Assessments
The City of Canby has received several Oregon State Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) grants to assess housing needs and affordability and the needs for both commercial and industrial employment over the next 20-years.
The housing and economic needs assessment will be focused on the needs of the community through demographic and buildable lands assessment. The buildable lands assessment will identify how much additional land will be needed to accommodate forecasted populations and jobs within the next 20-years.
Anticipated goals and objectives from this work will include, preparing housing and employment needs projections to accommodate roughly an additional 6,000 anticipated residents, based on Portland State University 20-year forecasting.
Based on the work completed to date, an urban growth boundary expansion will be needed to accommodate housing and jobs.
The primary goals of the housing and employment assessment work include:
- Identifying a land base to accommodate forecast housing and jobs.
- Establish employment targets based on economic assessment to establish amount of commercial and industrial acreage needed for 20-year population growth.
- Provide meaningful measures (strategies) to provide affordable housing to all city residents.
- Identify the anticipated acreage for residential and employment land that may be brought into the city’s urban growth boundary.
- Seek public and housing advisory recommendations and provide to the city council for consideration and adoption.
- Use the housing and economic assessment as part of the Housing and Economic chapters of the anticipated 2022-2024 Canby Comprehensive Plan and Transportation System Plan updates.