Questions & Answers
State statutes ORS 457 require that the creation of an urban renewal district be accompanied by an urban renewal plan and a report that outline, among other things, a description of each project to be undertaken, a map of the district, an indication of proposed land uses, a description of the conditions within the district, the reasons for selecting the district boundaries, the estimated cost of each project and its completion date, the year in which it is anticipated that indebtedness will be retired, a financial plan for the district, and an estimate of the fiscal impact of the district on all taxing entities within the district. For Canby's Urban Renewal Plan and for The Report on the Plan.
The basic idea behind urban renewal is that urban renewal taxes fund revitalization efforts. Urban renewal taxes are generated by the increase in total assessed values in an urban renewal district from the time the district is first established, The governing body, acting on the recommendation of a community-based advisory committee, creates an urban renewal district with specific boundaries and identifies improvements to be funded within the district. Bonds may be issued to fund improvements. As property values increase in the district, the increase in taxes is used to pay off the bonds. When the bonds are paid off the entire valuation is returned to the general property tax rolls.
The District is 573.26 acres, 382.34 acres of which are within the City limits. A map of the District outlining its boundaries appears in this brochure.
In its first year, the District is expected to generate added value of $15,995,148 increasing to $412,152,233 in the last year of the District, at which time the entire value of real property will be returned to the tax rolls.
In its first year, revenues forgone by the City of Canby will equal $55,801, increasing to $1,437,834 in the last year of the District. All taxing entities, including Fire District 62, Clackamas Community College, and the Canby School District will experience forgone revenues of different amounts.
The Plan anticipates that the affected taxing entities will “recoup all forgone revenues within eight years from the cessation of urban renewal tax collection, or by FY 2029-30.”
Urban Renewal is a program authorized by the statutes of the State of Oregon. It is intended to assist communities in improving and redeveloping “blighted areas.” The statutes define a “blighted area” as one that is detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the community “by reason of deterioration, faulty planning, inadequate or improper facilities, deleterious land use or the existence of unsafe structures ....” The statute details conditions that characterize a “blighted area.” Among those conditions are unsafe buildings or structures, the existence of inadequate streets, open space, and utilities, a prevalence of depreciated values, and a growing or total lack of proper utilization of an area.
It is anticipated that public improvements, including streets, public buildings, and utilities improvements, parks and trails, and fire protection facilities will be constructed. The Agency Board will determine the timing of each project.
The Canby Urban Renewal Agency makes decisions. The members of the Agency are the Mayor and City Councilors. The Agency is advised by an nine member Urban Renewal Advisory Committee which provides input on the Agency budget, infrastructure costs, agreements, descriptions, priorities, design, construction bids, requests for proposals, related property acquisitions, and any other matter delegated to it by the Agency Board.
The stated goals of the District are as follows:
- To diversify the economic base and to create jobs
- To maintain an effective, efficient, and safe traffic system
- To improve and retain existing businesses
- To improve attractive visual amenities
The areas were selected because they lacked one or more of the following:
- Streets, curbs, and sidewalks
- Water and sewer services
- Storm drainage
- Parks and open space
In addition, certain areas were selected because they were unproductive lands that did not contribute to the City’s tax base.