RFP: City of Canby Comprehensive Plan & Transportation Systems Plan Update
Project background and general work description
Canby is a fast growing and unique community with a small town feel, full services, and is emerging into a regional distribution and manufacturing center complemented by a vibrant and growing downtown. The City is anticipated to grow from a population of approximately 19,000 to a population of 25,000 over the next 20 years.
The City of Canby is seeking professional firms to propose on the comprehensive plan and transportation system plan updates. These updates will be concurrent. The City selected Angelo Planning Group/MIG with DKS Associates to prepare a scope of work and budget cost estimate with the anticipation of an RFP being released.
The scope of work for the project can be found here:
Scope of Work: https://www.canbyoregon.gov/dev-services/page/rfp-city-canby-comprehensive-plan-transportation-systems-plan-update
The budget allocation for this work is anticipated to occur over approximately two fiscal years and detailed further below. The work includes updating the City’s comprehensive plan and transportation system plan and expanding the urban growth boundary. For full details of the request for proposals, see supporting documents below: August 22, 2022 RFP City of Canby Comp Plan & TSP Updates.