2024 Community Enhancement Grants - Now Closed



The City of Canby has opened the Community Enhancement Grant Program for 2024. The program was created to assist in funding non-profits, not-for-profit organizations, City boards and committees, neighborhood associations and homeowners’ associations. The grant can be spent on projects, programs, and events which improve and enrich Canby. The City of Canby has created a separate Business Enhancement Grant for local Canby businesses.

Any individual, entity, or non-profit organization seeking funding from the Community Enhancement Grant program must be located within Canby city limits and the funding must be put toward a project that supports the Canby community.

Any and all changes to projects, programs, or events funded by the Community Enhancement Grant must be approved by City of Canby Economic Development staff. If the scope of the grant-funded work is changed without approval from the Economic Development department, the applicant may not be eligible to apply for the Community Enhancement Grant in the future.


The City of Canby has budgeted $50,000 for the Community Enhancement Grant in the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Eligible applicants will be able to apply for up to $3,500 for projects, programs, or events that meet the eligibility and evaluation criteria. For Community Enhancement Program Manual, Application, and full list of eligibility and evaluation criteria, please see Supporting Documents below.


Completed applications are due to the City of Canby by Friday, May 31st, 2024 at 4:00p. Awards will be announced by the City of Canby by Friday, June 7th, 2024.

The City of Canby has to right to award or not award grants at its sole discretion. Any submission for a grant is not a guarantee of an award.  The City of Canby reserves the right to cancel the grant program at any time.


Jamie Stickel, Economic Development Director  |  503.266.0701  |  StickelJ@CanbyOregon.gov