Business Enhancement Grants



The Business Enhancement Grants has been extended to Monday, January 13th at 4pm. The announcement of awarded grants will be postponed until a later date due to the extension.

The City of Canby has opened the Business Enhancement Grant Program for fiscal year 2024-2025. The program was created to assist local, Canby businesses. The grant can be spent on projects, programs, events, or equipment that further improves or enrich the business. The City of Canby has a Business Enhancement Grant for local businesses within City limits.

Local businesses seeking funding from the Business Enhancement Grant program must be located within Canby city limits and the funding must be put toward a project also located within city limits that supports and engages the Canby community. Grant applications should focus on capacity building, program creation, investments in equipment, innovative or expansion programming.  

Any and all changes to projects, programs, or events funded by the Business Enhancement Grant must be approved by City of Canby Economic Development staff. If the scope of the grant-funded work is changed without approval from the Economic Development department, the applicant may not be eligible to apply for the Business Enhancement Grant in the future.


The City of Canby has budgeted $50,000 for the Business Enhancement Grant in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Eligible applicants will be able to apply for up to $2,500 for projects, programs, or events that meet the eligibility and evaluation criteria (see below).


  1. Review criteria on page 2 to determine if your request qualifies;
  2. Complete the application form;
  3. Submit the application form and supplementary materials electronically.

If electronic submission is not possible, please bring your file to Canby City Hall (222 NE 2nd Avenue, 2nd floor) and city staff will be happy to scan the documents for you.


All completed applications will be reviewed by the City of Canby’s Review Committee. The committee will look to ensure applications meet the eligibility and evaluation criteria.


  • Applicant must be an authorized representative of a local business located within Canby city limits.
  • An applicant will only be eligible to apply for a grant if any previously awarded grant projects complied with all grant procedures including submitting final grant report.
  • Canby’s Business Enhancement Grants may not be used for costs associated with salaries or operations.


  • A complete, descriptive, and thorough application is important – this includes:
    • Filling out the application.
    • Signing and electronically submitting applications by the deadline date.
    • Providing a W-9 (
    • Supplemental information including a narrative and demonstration of the financial need for event, program, or project which best supports the request should be included. Not to exceed 5 pages.


The following criteria is to be used as a guide for applicants for the types of activities funded by the Business Enhancement Grant program. The Review Committee will consider the uniqueness and overall quality of each request.

Events, programs, and projects will be considered eligible provided it:

  • Encourages innovation or expansion, creates new programming, or events and investments in equipment.
  • Enhances and supports Canby’s unique history, culture, education, diversity, arts, needed services, or community involvement with and/or for the benefit of Canby; 
  • Encourages and fosters advances in civic engagement or community leadership;
  • Promotes community involvement with diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging at the forefront to ensure all of Canby’s unique and diverse residents benefit from the projects funded by the Canby Business Enhancement Grants.


  1. Priority given to applications which demonstrate this specific grant request will directly benefit the Canby community.
  2. Priority given to grant requests demonstrating the need for funding where additional funding sources will also be utilized.
  3. Priority will be given to first-time and non-repeat applicants.
  4. Priority will be given to projects that source locally when available.
  5. Priority will be given to projects which prioritize diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging for all of Canby’s unique residents.
  6. Lowest priority will be given to advertising and/or promotion.
  7. Lowest priority for fundraising types of events. All fundraising events must directly benefit Canby residents.


Projects, programs, and events funded through the Business Enhancement Grant program are required to submit a final report which will include a narrative, questionnaire, financial report, and photos.


Completed applications are due to the City of Canby by Monday, January 6th, 2025 at 4:00p. Awards will be announced by the City of Canby by January 17th, 2025.

The City of Canby has the right to award or not award grants at its sole discretion. Any submission for a grant is not a guarantee of an award.  The City of Canby reserves the right to cancel the grant program at any time.


Tyler Nizer, Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator  |  503.266.0772  |