Canby’s locally-owned utilities offer competitive rates, responsive service and ample capacity. Helping new businesses settle in quickly is their priority.

Power: Canby Utility is locally-owned and offers competitive rates, responsive service and an unmatched level of service to businesses of all sizes. Canby Utility provides energy efficiency programs and technical assistance as well as responsive hometown service at competitive rates that are generally 30% less than surrounding areas. For general rate information see Canby Utility Rates
Loads over 10 MW would be negotiated directly with Bonneville Power Administration. See Electric System Capacity Fact Sheet for capacity details.
For more information contact Dan Murphy, General Manager, Canby Utility 503-263-4320
E-mail: Dmurphy@canbyutilty.org
P.O. Box 1070
154 N.W. First Avenue
Canby OR 97013

Water: Ample water is available and also provided by Canby Utility. General service rates depend on the meter size with prices listed here. More details can be found at Canby Utility.
Capacity details can be found here.

Sewer: Sewer and storm water service is provided by the City of Canby. Current industrial sewer and storm water rates are $43.99 per 100 cubic feet of water use – (see rates)
2015 Sewer Capacity Fact Sheet
For more information contact Dave Conner at 503-266-0648
E-mail: ConnerD@canbyoregon.gov
City of Canby
222 NE 2nd Avenue
Canby OR 97013

Natural Gas: Northwest Natural is the regional service provider. Most of the sites in the Canby Pioneer Industrial Park are already served with Natural gas lines; a competitive advantage that reduces costs for manufacturers.
For more details see: Northwest Natural Business Commodity Price Information
NW Natural
220 NW Second Avenue
Portland OR 97209

Telephone and Broadband: Canby DirectLink offers a variety of product options to meet the needs of Canby businesses. Their service is backed by 24/7 technical support and includes the features such as spam and virus email protection, webmail, personal web space, and more. Now providing gigabit high speed internet service!
190 SE 2nd Avenue
Canby OR 97013
Phone: 503-266-8111