Found/Unclaimed Property

Public Notice
The Canby Police Department has in its physical possession found and unclaimed personal property described below. If you have any ownership interest in any of that unclaimed property, you must file a claim with the Canby Police Department within 30 days or you will lose your interest in that property.
Property includes: bicycles, U.S. currency, ID’s, backpacks, firearms, and other misc items. If you believe some of this property is yours, phone the Canby Police Property Room at 503-266-0797.
Satisfactory proof of lawful ownership must be presented before property will be returned; such proof may consist of an accurate description of the unclaimed property. Positive identification is required before property will be released.
How to Claim Property for additional information on claiming your property, see below.
If you believe some of this property is yours, contact:
Kari Inness, Property and Evidence Officer
Phone 503-266-0797 or Fax 503-266-9316

Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Canby Police Department
1175 NW Third Avenue, Canby, OR 97013
Be prepared to provide a detailed description of the property, the circumstances of its loss and proof of ownership as necessary.
Positive identification is required before property will be released.
If not claimed, items may be sold at auction, destroyed, donated, or returned to the finder.